This entry is a continuation of the post “How can both parents have quality parenting relationships with their children?” Let’s discuss communication options. In co-parent relationships where there is high …

How to have a quality co-parenting relationship? Communication tips

How can both parents have quality parenting relationships with their children?
During and after your divorce, you may be wondering if it will ever be possible for both you and your spouse to have a productive co-parenting relationship. Many parents struggle …

Top Ten Traps to Avoid when Planning for Aging Family Members: Number 1
The first trap to avoid is avoidance itself. Avoiding difficult or uncomfortable discussions can make relationships and situations worse in the long term. Ensure that you talk about finances (estate planning, …

The Best Interests of the Child
The new Family Law Act in BC refers to the “best interests of the child” as the ONLY consideration when the courts and parents are making plans for children. Section 37 (2) defines …

Conflict about Estate Division
I recently attended the memorial service of my father-in-law, while this event and the ensuing estate division went smoothly, I was reminded of how this often does not happen. When …

Back to School Doesn’t Have to be Complicated or Conflictual
A new school year is starting and this often means new parenting plans for divorced parents who are co-parenting. This is an opportunity to build on what has worked for …

How divorce mediation helps
Here’s another description of how divorce mediation saves time, money, and emotional energy.

Conflicts About Moving: Elders, Couples, and Business owners
Moving is a stressful. Deciding to move is stressful. In addition, a decision to move is almost always linked to another stressful life event. If your business partnership is dissolving, …

My siblings and I are in conflict about planning for our father who is ill. What can we do to reduce the conflict?
Conflict is a normal part of family life and in the case of sibling conflicts, it often continues throughout our lives. Some people discover that their conflict as adults looks …

How does the new BC Family Law Act define guardianship?
On March 18, 2013, the new Family Law Act came into effect in BC. As a result, many legal concepts and definitions have been updated or changed. Over the next …